2021 – Into A 🎇 New Year 🎆 Of Change!!! ✨

Today is the day! We have officially been blogging for one year as of today!

Honestly, it almost feels like it has been longer with all the stories I’ve gotten to tell you. 🤣 Thank You All for having been along with us for such and amazing ride!

I’ve only a small story to tell today. On New Year’s Eve we have a fireworks show at the base of the Spit.

Now this is a big deal to all of us because for years Homer didn’t have a fireworks event and, otherwise, fireworks are illegal to fire off down here. Sadly enough, our town does not have a lot of exciting events or facilities that engage and excite our youth, so the dazzling light show once a year is something that gets the young and old alike looking forward to it in anticipation. Long story short, the town super appreciates this New Year’s tradition.

Especially since this time it represented the end to such a rough and complicated year.

Laura and I decided to show up early, before the chaos of traffic that would come closer to the event, and snag us a sweet spot to watch the show.

We parked across the street, knowing that for the first time, we were going to get to use the skybench for its intended purpose- to watch a show! We aimed the Ohana directly at where we could see the firework crew, working in a circle of flashlights getting things ready.

Then we turned on the propane to give the rig a quick warm up with the furnace while I fired Kalcifer up. It didn’t take long until our friend was happily crackling away and emanating that solid heat that only a fireplace seems to make.

We comfortably hung out inside and waited while cars filed out from the mainland. We could hear the sounds and ruckus of people parking all around us.

We had brought, what we thought was going to be, a small board game to play while we waited for the show. It turned out it was a lot of board game in a small box, so we decided not to start into something we might not get to finish in this sitting.

Instead, we turned off the LED lights and snuggled up while enjoying the fire. It was a peaceful rest while we awaited launch time.

And soon it came! We threw on our winter gear and climbed up to the roof so we could be in place for the show when the fireworks began.

Here was our view towards the base of the Spit:

And the parking area to the left of us:

Last year at the show it had been a freezing and blowing sideways kind of night. This year it was a perfect evening to get to enjoy the spectacle.

An Excited Laura!

Right after 8 O’clock we watched the flashlights turn off…

… and the flares come on.

And it began!

In true Homer fashion, people were trying to show up late and still find a nice parking spot, so cars still drove out passed us, and back passed us, while the show ensued. But with sky bench, we sat over the top of it all, not missing a moment of the amazing blazing New Year’s lights!

The sky continued to illuminate as it filled with the sizzle and flashes of glorious color.

And 20 minutes later, traffic immediately backed up to a jam and cars began to fight there way back towards shore. Locals from in town didn’t seem to care about the fireworks ban, as small bursts of lights peppered over town immediately after the end of the main show.

People Fighting Their Way In

The traffic was no bother or rush to us though, we just simply climbed back down and went inside to our roasting and happy little home. 🔥😊

Below is a picture of traffic towards the end of the Spit. It’s a little hard to see because we took it through the camper window, but yes; those little blips of light, for miles out that way , are each a set of headlights.

So we snuggled in for awhile longer as traffic eventually dissipated as folks found their way home to celebrate the holiday in their own fashions. And when things had calmed down, we emerged to do the same.

Here is small video I threw together so you could get to enjoy some of the moments from the other night in motion:

Other than that, we have just been busy at home for the winter, trying our best to stay positive and find the beauty in this time of cold. Snow comes and goes as it builds up and than gets rained back off it true Homer fashion. Here is a pic of a small visitor outside our office window the other day:

Also I wanted to share with all of you a really pretty picture I took off the back porch a few nights ago. I was surprised with how it turned out!

We headed North for a quick day run to Anchorage the other day (Not in The Ohana 😔) and the way the snow clung to the trees was absolutely magical. Figured it would be nice to share it with all of you.

And I am still cruising Our Ohana around at least once a week; trying to keep her moving often and letting her melt some ice off regularly.

And that’s all for now- so Happy New Year! Here’s wishing that 2021 brings on some amazing changes for everyone, and with a little luck we can even all see each other again.

We know we could use some live music and friends in our lives this summer! 😉

Geoff Murphy 1/6/2021

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