A Little Bit Of Play In Barry’s Bay πŸ˜‰

A Little Bit Of Play In Barry’s Bay Blog Audio

Day 47- We awoke to the gentle sun asking us if we would like to join it for a walk along the beach. We shook up a batch of our morning coffee and followed the path down to the shore of Lake Ontario. Here we noticed the water was already quite warmer than that of Lake Superior.

I heated up the back of the plastic of the mirror and was able to mold it back in to place. After using a little bit of gel super glue to fill the remaining gapping, I wrapped it in a bag until we could find a glass shop to replace the glass. It was currently a Sunday and everything was closed, so I would try to find a place in our next destination; Barry’s Bay.

Before departing we added Lake Ontario to our USA magnet, and then began our journey North.

It was a long day of driving, with the tail stretch being many steep ups and downs through a massive provincial park. That evening we made it to our destination, feeling worn from the road but happy to get to see our friends Ian & Meg Williams.

After a long and hot day of driving Ian had the perfect remedy for us, jumping in the lake his house was right on! The water was the perfect temperature and felt refreshing as we played around in its water.

After a nice dinner Ian voted for a fire on his hillside down by the water. He hadn’t done a fire yet this season, so we were happy to give him the perfect excuse to sit around the glow of the flames, have some pleasant conversations, and finish the night staring up at the stars over the water. Ian and Meg definitely have a sweet little spot here.

On Day 48 we began with trying to contact a glass shop to replace our mirror. The local shop in Barry’s Bay only did special orders for mirrors- but did recommend us to a shop further down along our path in Renfrew; and after a quick call there we had a plan for the next day.

We decided to go wander the town of Barry’s Bay for a bit, so we meandered the shops and streets for awhile before heading back to the William’s home to do some blog work and spend some time playing with their girls. When Ian arrived home from work, we all couldn’t help but go hop in the lake again for another refreshing swim! Their growing pup had me a bit worried for a moment when it tried to chase Ian and Melia out on their boards; and I helped the pup swim back to shore when I met it halfway back still doggie paddling and wheezing. Overall it was a wonderful time though!

Tired and happy we went ahead and checked off the box of having spent a perfectly relaxing day. We enjoyed another pleasant dinner and ended it all staring up at those shimmering stars in the sky hanging over a warm summer’s night.

Geoff Murphy 7/28/2022