A New Beginning At The End Of Our Beginning

A New Beginning At The End Of Our Beginning Audio Reading

Day 68 continued: After the fabulous experience of Gen Con we headed to a Planet Fitness for a much needed workout and a heavenly shower. Then it was onto The Peach State to celebrate my brother, Chris, getting married!

We travelled as far as we could go that night, found a nice little rest stop along the way, and before we went to bed we put the stickers on for Kentucky and Tennessee.

As we motored through the towns we saw a few novelties that we couldn’t help but gawk over. One being the Buckies Travel Stop that my dad recommended. And it was a sight to see. It was more than a gas station, it was a mecca for consumerism. Anything you might want on your travels you could get here. Including all different types of creams for your coffee- to say the least, it took my breath away!

Day 69: We pulled up to the neighborhood my Dad and Stepmom live, and were greeted by local wildlife, little did we know that this would be just a few of the animals we would get to see while we stayed for a nice rest after a couple full weeks of high paced action.

I had been looking forward to this extended weekend for almost as long as we had been planning our trip across the US! With my youngest brother getting married, it was the perfect reason to get all my siblings and our dad to get together for the first time in over ten years! 🀩

We got the Ohana tucked into a safe spot after driving through crazy up and downs of a road system that was not up to code- we found out later that because this community was privately owned, it didn’t have to follow all the rules. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

The first night we arrived, Dad took us all out to a local, and delicious, Mexican food dinner. πŸ˜‹ This would be the beginning of many, many, wonderful culinary meals we would be indulging in during this fantastic family affair!

After dinner Dad took us on a little cruise around the neighborhood and we saw the mist rise from the golf course near by, this should tell you a little bit about the humidity we were running into. πŸ˜‰

Day 70: The next morning we awoke to choice coffee and a bountiful breakfast. While I was catching up with family news, Geoff enjoyed the view from ‘The Porch’ while working on the blog. More about ‘The Porch’ later.😜

That day my beautiful sister and her absolutely awesome family stopped by before headed to their destination at Big Canoe. We were all so happy that it hadn’t been too long since we’d seen each other, instead it felt really natural to pick up where we left off from June!

That night the Enchanted Ellen made a savory dish for the family to enjoy in the newly arranged dinning room. I am glad there was so much food, as Jordan and Mellissa arrived in time to share the meal all together! πŸ‘ͺ

And now to explain ‘The Porch’, well you see, this is a sacred space where discussions are had, conversations arise and memories are made- and what happens on ‘The Porch’ stays there. Hopefully in this case, the family doesn’t mind that we are sharing some of the Love that was brewing around the upcoming wedding! 🀷🀟

Day 71: We were up and at ’em , ready to tackle another wonderful day with the family. After the coffee and breakfast experience, we got to encounter a racoon! What a big personality this little guy had!🐾 He was very intent on getting what he wanted.

It was time for us to find some green grass and do a workout. But the part I was looking forward to was jumping into the cool pool! Now, some of you might understand how perfectly amazing it is to swim outside, in an outside pool, that was warm. 🌞 For us that have been living in the cold for so long, or our whole lives, it is so refreshing to be in a pool in the sunshine!

That evening we headed to Big Canoe to meet up with Lorene and her husband Bill. They were ready to take us ‘kids’ around the lake at Big Canoe. What a treat to enjoy Taylor and her loves, and Jordan and his, while we splashed in that water.
πŸ’–Family is special! πŸ’–

Day 72: It was the day before the wedding and we were getting down to brass tacks, what were we supposed to wear?? I had been hunting for a dress for months and had finally found one the day before we made it to Dads, and Lorene had given me another one for the rehearsal dinner. ✨So I was good to go.

But no one could Geoff a straight forward answer. First we hear all of the events are casual, which is great as we have been traveling for months and Geoff doesn’t have fancy wear. However, we found out that morning that Board shorts or jeans wouldn’t be cutting the mustard for the Cahill Clan. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ So off we go to find something, other than what we had, to support the occasion.

The dinner was charming and although we didn’t get a sibling picture then, we all were in the same room. And Geoff would not be Geoff without teaching a board game- I sure Love that man! In fact there was much love, laughter and light in this special night. πŸ’

Day 73: Wedding day! How did we oversleep on this day of all days??πŸ™„ After a quick run to the outdoor pool πŸ˜„ we got ready, and loaded all the food for the event! Yep, Enchanted Ellen and Dad had planned, cooked and executed a beautiful Grazing Table, it was almost too pretty to eat!

Chris and Kaylan’s wedding was officiated by our brother, Jordan, who reminded us all that Love is not a stagnate object, but one in which needs tended and nurtured daily; what a beautiful sentiment. πŸ’•Seeing the honestly between these newly weds in front of family and friends reminded me of how many walls we put each put up, and that Love has the ability to break through. πŸ’• Getting a little emotional here, but hey, its a wedding! 😭

Geoff knew a perfect song for Chris and Kaylyn’s first dance, Cailin, by Unwritten Law. And of course Geoff knew the perfect song, that is another one of his superpowers! The wedding went well into the the night, and many smiles, hugs and memories were made. 🍹

Day 74: We awoke to a fresh day: Taylor and her family went out for adventures, while Chris and his new wife got ready for their honeymoon. That evening the family that was present sat on the stairs for a group photo.

Between you and I: I can count on one hand the regrets that I have had during these last months, a few being from this weekend. I realized that seeing my siblings all together was really important to me and I should have orchestrated a lunch or a quick snack where we could just all connect. Maybe I should have rented a minivan, played We Sing Silly Songs, and driven us around to run errands?? Perhaps next time! 🚐🎡

Day 75: After everyone returned to their homes and lives, we all took an in-breath. Dad and Ellen took Geoff and I out to a sweet restaurant a few towns away, where I remembered why I don’t eat catfish. 😼🐟 Also, we found a neat little store that served us after dinner espressos and had a interesting infused oil and vinegar section. It was fun to try new sensations!

On our way home was a beautiful rainbow, and the clouds made us pull over to capture their beauty! Geoff and Ellen enjoyed a few of the new games that we picked up at Gen Con as well as one we brought along with us on our travels.

Day 76: This was definitely a rest day for us, it had been a busy few weeks. Dad took us out to the greens to drive golf carts around the course. It was like driving a go-cart for adults- what fun! πŸ˜†

Tomorrow would be the day for us to pack up and get ready for the second stage of our journey, the time when we really would start analyzing where it was that we want to live and invest. Although the next half of our trip wouldn’t be as scheduled as the last few months had been, we were prepared for the mental challenge ahead.

I mean, isn’t that what this whole trip is about? Where DO our hearts want to live and thrive?! πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸŒŸ

Laura Murphy- September 29, 2022