Bring On The Metal! 🀘

So Laura and I originally had an idea for how we wanted to decorate our ceiling. We were going to originally paste up road maps and sea charts, but as I was building the countertops we had decided to do the wall next to the bathroom entrance in metal.

This lead me to an even better idea; metal on the ceilings too! This way we could attach whatever we wanted with magnets, and it would be easy to change in the future. So this is the beginning of that idea. Here is what it looked like before…

… that water damage hadn’t done it any favors. Luckily the ceiling was dried and still integral.

So using the same tactic as before we templated our pieces began cutting our metal. After more back and forth trips and clear coating we were gluing it up!

Unfortunately I didn’t have enough- so I placed a call and got another roll of metal on order. I would have it within a week and we could continue on our mission. That was it for the ceiling for now. I did, however, have enough to re-finish the refrigerator face. Here is the before…

… And After.

Next I was headed under the sink to hook up the hot water heater (At least the plumbing.) After this was done we would bed line the bottom of the sink compartment.

We had received new LED interior lights in the mail, so I began swapping the ones I could confirm were working. (Remember at this point, I still have to deal with the electrical I accidentally cut- so I am trying to get someone electrically saavy to help me)

Now, I don’t know if I have told all of you this, but Laura and I had a little dream that we didn’t think we were going to get to work on until next year… a sky bench. The Ohana had this slightly awkwardly tall rack in the back, which we had but storage pods on either side. We couldn’t help but keep dreaming though that a few seats would fit perfectly there. This way we could watch fireworks, concerts, or just pull up on the beach and enjoy the view. We had spent endless hours researching different bench and seat systems; which were expensive. We even looked into building our own. It wasn’t until and event of happenstance occurred that it launched our dream early.

Laura was over at her friend’s house, Joey Krazenski, when they were walking out by her greenhouse. There Laura noticed and inquired about 2 boat seats, just chillin there. Joey totally gave them to us!!!

With that, she had just saved us at least a few hundred dollars, which we could invest in the other portions of that project! Thank You So Much Joey! 🀍🀍🀍

With our project possible, I went to D&D Welding and spoke with Mike Devaney and his son; in which we devised a plan. With the plan I had a parts list of Aluminum I needed to go buy.

So Laura and I headed out to The Kachemak Gear Shed, where we purchased the aluminum we needed.

The yard worker was awesome- and FYI, in dire need of an updated cutting table and equipment! C’Mon KMGS- get this guy the stuff he needs; he’s making you good money, you can afford it, and you stock the dang material to build it! Anyway- many Thanks Man!

Afterwards, I began removing the boat seats from the board they were mounted to; which took some drilling out. This is when I finally convinced Laura that Stainless Steel hardware was worth it by showing her the condition of the Stainless and Non-Stainless; like night and day! πŸŒƒβ˜€οΈ

After the seats were disassembled for clean-up and painting, we were on to other chores. That day we:

Sold Off The RV’s TV and Captain’s Chair.

I was headed to the roof to clean up the roof rack to prep it to be bed-lined. This way the steel rack wouldn’t negatively react with the Aluminum we were going to install.

Laura was headed inside to bed line the couch and side wall areas!

Next we were on to paint the rack with bed liner, in which we also installed rubber stoppers in the end of the tubing before we painted it. We also cleaned up and paint the goofy little remnant of the original roof rack we had decided to keep.

Next we patched a the vinyl holes that were in the boat seat using a vinyl repair kit I had found at the second hand store; score!

Of course, we had our usual observation crew; Bernard, Cherry, & Josie!

I began cleaning up and getting the front step re-enforced; to make a small step towards getting the floor re-done.

Tomorrow I was headed to D&D Welding to hopefully make some magic happen! 🀞🏼

Geoff Murphy 7/15/2020

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