Finding The To Cool Down πŸ˜…

Day 29- Another hot one, and we still didn’t have the air conditioning tube we needed. So guess what we were up to? Yep, part hunting again! There was another Jalopy Jungle in Twin Falls, so we decided to start at that yard first.

When we were there we searched the half a dozen vehicles that might have what we needed, and on the very last one we found it! I extracted the tube and it was intact! πŸ˜ƒ So we happily paid our six dollars for the part and went back to the Planet Fitness to get in a work out and a shower.

Before leaving Twin Falls, Arnie had told us that it would be worth our time to check out Shoshone Falls; The Niagra of the West.

He was right- so Thanks For The Tip Arnie! It was a short easy drive on the way out of town, and it was a pretty impressive view!

After drinking in the view of the falls we were headed to Green Mountain Utah, right next to Ogden.

Along the way we stopped to get gas and had an admirer stop to chat for a bit. It turned out that they bought classic Toyotas and restored them; so they were pretty excited about the Ohana. They even asked us if we were selling it.

That evening we arrived at my childhood friend and classmate Sam Bushell’s happy home. He was going to have to work the next day, so we stayed up a bit too late hanging out and catching up on our lives. Sam is a really funny and intelligent guy- so we had some great conversations! He also proudly showed us his hot tub- which we all sat in for hours staring up at the night stars accompanied by lightning flashes far off on the horizon while laughing over good conversation.

The next morning of Day 30 Sam was off to work, so we rose with the early sun to hang out with him for a few minutes. Sam had told us we could stay as long as we needed at his house that day though- so I took advantage of getting another blog post done before diving into the much needed Ohana projects on our list.

It worked! We had cold air!!! Ha ha- it actually worked! So with that Laura had cold air in the cab- and I was going to survive this trip after all!

I sent Sam my deepest thanks before hitting the road- and we were off towards Colorado. On the way out of town Laura snapped some pics of these huge windmills- look at them compared to the tiny vehicles below!

The road through Utah came with breathtaking view after view, with environments and rock formations varying drastically as we came into new areas.

On the way we stopped in the cute small town of Helper. The town seemed like a really strong progressive community. Above the town there was the balancing rock, which was pretty neat!

Next we were headed further Southeast to the town of Green River. We drove through the rare desert rains as we made our way through the open expanse.

Our destination for the night was a spot I had picked off the map when planning our route; Swayses Beach. It was about 10 miles from Green River, and it was beautiful! We chose a little nestled BLM spot just past the pay to camp areas and settled in for the night. I scratched up the Gaco on the rear of The Ohana trying to get us nestled in through the trees- but it should be alright after a little touch up.

We ate dinner on the roof of the Ohana and watched the stars pop through into the night sky. 🌟

That evening we added Utah to our United States Sticker Map- thoroughly impressed with it’s beauty on the Eastern Side of the state.

We also had one other horrifying / interesting learning experience that night. We had not buttoned up the screens all the way on the camper- and when we were about to settle in we noticed hundreds of bugs covering the LED light strip around the inside of the camper. 🀒 The next few hours were filled with getting rid of said bugs.

The little bug zapper I had bought (and thought was useless) came in really handy; taking out a portion of them. We also used light to lure the bugs near the fantastic fan- which then was able to suck them up and out (that’s how small they were) or sucked them up against the screen where we could dispatch them.

It felt like forever, but after a long spell of this process there was only a few tiny bugs left inside; and that we could sleep with. 😴 Lesson Learned. πŸ˜‰

Geoff Murphy 7/3/2022

2 thoughts on “Finding The To Cool Down πŸ˜…”

  1. GreaT stories. Plenty of exciting things to see. Shoshone falls we’re really low in water volume but still impressive. They take so much water out for irrigation and of course the drought doesn’t help. Last time I went in April there was water all the way across and spray coming up into the parking lot. Great trip.

    1. Wow! That would have impressive to see! It was still pretty amazing though. Thanks for following along our journey with us Arnie- it was such a nice visit at your place! Thanks for all your kindness!

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