It’s Time For Liftoff! πŸš€ Our Ohana Goes Home! 🏑

The next morning I once again came into Mike’s shop with a moment of shock! 😲 This time it was the good kind! πŸ˜† Mike had done the welding in the early morning before he had headed back off to his job! The Ohana stood proud and with the camper firmly held up, and the jack stands had been removed!

Oh- How Awesome Is This!

I went along, grinning from ear to ear, as I inspected the completed bracing. He had done everything we had planned! The top of the original supports was welded safely up in the belly of the U-Channel! 🀩The Dog ears were proudly in place keeping the cab from shifting to far to the outside while capturing and supporting the full framework of the camper! 🀩 He had repaired on the passenger side, and beefed up the welding and doubled up the plating down at bottom of the original bracing where it met the frame of the truck! 🀩 The doors both opened smoothly now. And also a plus, the Lexel work I had done the day before had held up just fine so the camper was sealed. This was a good day!

Look At Them Dog Ears!

I messaged Mike with excitement and thanks, and he responded he would be by soon. While I waited I inspected the Gaco and Lexel work to make sure it had all set properly- it looked good!

Once I finished with inspecting that I decided to start investigating my step for next season. I opened up the compartment above the water heater, closest to the damaged back corner so I could start making a plan of my steps on how to fix it before I could Gaco treat it.

The Damaged Back Corner

I was also out to discover, and hopefully remediate, the source of what was causing a large bulge in the side of the camper to the rear of the entry door. As I opened up the bottom of the compartment and peered down I was surprised at what I saw…

What Is This?

Starting at the damaged back corner and running along the back of the RV there was a good 1″+ gap between the floor and the wall. I climbed under the RV and chased this; and much to my dismay it went further than I feared. It ran all the way along the back and up the drivers side to the edge of the bathroom, ending a little bit into where the couch was.

When Mike arrived we talked for awhile. I thanked him endlessly and brought up what I had discovered. We both agreed we could probably suck back in the walls with bolts and fender washers- but that would be next season’s mystery.

We agreed that she was ready to fly again. I knew I would have a lot of work ahead of me next spring- but at least she would survive until then. I pulled her out of Mike’s shop, re-installed the top of the chimney, and went along and cleaned up any mess we might have created in our process. When I finished Mike and I stood in the garage door, it was time to talk brass taxes.

I asked how much he wanted, for the shop time. He said he didn’t want anything. I insisted I pay for the aluminum, he refused. I told him I at least needed to pay for the welding work- he shook his head. I stood there trying to offer him money and he simply smiled and said; “I don’t want anything, accept that when someone else may need help you pass it on.”

I was floored. I believed and dreamed of this type of kindness occurring in the world, but here was happening to me now. I agreed to his terms- and he and I continued to talk for a long time; about virtues, viewpoints and life in general. He said he liked my prep-work I had done, and asked if he could call me next summer if he needed assistance with work. I firmly agreed. He said he wouldn’t be able to pay me a ton, but the rate he told me was more than fair. I let him know I was happy to do that work for free until we were settled up from the value he had just given me; but I would still pass it on. After a while longer, many laughs, smiles, Thank-Yous, and handshakes I brought our Ohana home.

She’s Alive!!!

With a sound piece of mind our new baby was safe for the time being; we couldn’t have been happier.

With everything being said; I just want to emphasize a huge Thank You To Mike Devaney! If you ever need welding done, you couldn’t pick a nicer and kinder person, and family, to do a professional job- so check out D&D Welding in Homer!

Most of all- remember to spend your moments practicing & teaching others the value of kindness, and if we all practice it together in this world we all can thrive.

Geoff Murphy 4/17/2020