QR Code Fail

FYI- For anyone out there we met on our trip that we handed out bumper stickers that had the QR code, just found out the “free QR site” I used is a bit scammy. They deactivated the code and now want to charge me a quite a bit to keep using it. No harm to anyone that scanned it; I’m just out a QR code and my purchase of the bumper stickers.
So sorry if you have been trying to use it to get to the blog and it is no longer working. I researched it, and it turns out the company (QR Generator) has upset a lot of people with this tactic.
Anyhoo, I’ve found a legit page and will get a new QR code and bumper stickers logo made. Thanks for being patient as we learn about this stuff, and hope you all are doing awesome out there! Stay Human, And Be Excellent To Each Other!

Geoff Murphy 7/15/2020