So Much Less Summer = So Much More To Do

As the grass grew greener, we had the usual summer wildlife start to populate our yard again.

The Mallards Approving Our Turtle
Now If Only Bernard & Our New Guests Could Get Along…

Once we had completed installing the LED lighting in the cab- it was time to take it for a test run.

All Painted In!

Our daughter Lia showed up just in time to check it out!

A Visit From Lia!
Looking Good!

There was just one problem during our light strip demo- we had a rear speaker not working.

So… if you’ve been reading recently, you might have an idea of how much I wanted to avoid disassembling the dash again… πŸ™„

I chased the wiring and tested it from both ends for connectivity, and did everything possible to avoid the drivers side of the dashboard.

… But in the end I had to take it apart one more time… πŸ˜’

And right under the main “Cluster” of wires tucked up directly above the pedals I found this:

“Cluster” Spoken A Little Less French

Long story short- I repaired the wiring and spent a ton more time cleaning up everything even further up in the dash. It wasn’t much later that I had the rear speaker happily thumping away along with it’s companion.

While I was cleaning up the wiring down below I found the reason that our parking brake light wasn’t lighting up…

I Know… Oil Pressure Is Fine But I Need To Check The Sensor For That Too… 😫

…Looks like it was cleanly cut. πŸ€”

I repaired the wiring and luckily had a nut to fasten the “sensor” button back to it’s fastening mount.

Once the sensor was back in place the parking brake warning light was working like a champ!

We now had a fully functional parking brake system again!

Once the dash was put back together for the “bajillionth” time… πŸ˜²πŸ˜³πŸ™„πŸ˜ πŸ˜’πŸ˜€


… Laura and I got to testing all of the RV appliances for the season.

It was time to awaken all our friends from their long winter slumber!

As part of going through all our propane using utilities we decided we should top off the tank for the season.

You have no idea how smart I felt when I ran into this situation…

Can you tell me what’s wrong with the above picture?

Alright, I’ll tell you…

… See that nice mounting bolt we put in to fasten the tank last season?

Yeah- it works great! But… how do you take the tank out of the propane compartment to fill it?

The answer is… you can’t. So… back to the drawing board.

Our new concept was that we would help fasten the tank down with piece of flat bar instead.

We went and purchased some new fasteners that would pin the flat bar down from the sides.

Then it was time to go about removing the old faster and installing the new.

And Voila! A bit later we had a way to fasten (and remove πŸ˜…) our tank.

In a short order later we went and had the tank filled.

On a visit to our friend RJ’s we began discussing a few upcoming small projects for The Ithaca. With the sun finally shining it was time for her rig to begin summer operations as well!

The Ithaca! It’s Been Awhile!

But we will be getting to all that a little later this summer. For now, we began preparing for our upcoming trip at the beginning of June. Look forward to telling you about our journey next time! πŸ˜‰

Geoff Murphy 6/10/2021