“There’s No Place, I Can Be, Since I Found Serenity” – Joss Whedon

So that week we took Serenity to the car wash and gave her a good spring cleaning. And to dry her off afterwards we hit some pavement for a nice run out to the end of The Spit. There we took some new exterior photos of her.

Man she was beautiful! 😁 It was a gorgeous day and wonderful cruise with this old girl that held such a big piece of our hearts. When we arrived home I took a few new pictures of the cab so people could see the new mirror layout.

And I listed her online for a second time; and then it began…

I had people begin contacting me from the Lower 48; willing to put a quarter of my asking price down just to hold it until after the quarantine lifted so they could buy her sight unseen. I told them that I would continue listing it in hopes of someone could buy it that lived in the state, because I only felt right that the purchaser should be able to walk-through / test drive her before buying. Right after I had another in state buyer contact me, but couldn’t get someone to look at it until the weekend. A few hours later I was contacted by another in state buyer who wanted to purchase it. I encouraged them that they at least do a test drive and we left it at that to schedule a time. Shortly thereafter they contacted me and asked if I could hold it until the next morning; they wanted it and they would be bringing cash. I spoke to Laura and we agreed; and with that Serenity had sold in just after six hours after listing her! 😲

The next morning Laura and I awaited the new owner, and a bit before noon she arrived! That is when we met Wendy Lou! I spent the next hour going through Serenity with her and her family and agreed to drive Serenity to the top of Baycrest where we would do the final signing. (Baycrest is a large hill in which is the entry road to Homer. She was nervous about driving a stick shift that was new to her, and I totally understood.) Laura and I gathered up all the associated paperwork for Serenity and went out to head up the hill…

There Might Be A Few Tears Here 😭

A little while later Laura and I were parked at the top of Baycrest, it was an amazing day. We climbed up on the roof and stared out of Kachemak Bay, soaking in some some and waxing nostalgically as we awaited Wendy Lou.

Meeting Random New Friends…

And then it happened; she arrived where we had a wonderful session of smiles and best wishes.

Then we all sat around the galley table in Serenity and signed the paperwork, and before we knew it our Serenity now was Wendy Lou’s. πŸ˜’πŸ’žπŸ˜Š

I remember the surreal feeling as I watched Wendy begin to head off across the pullout, as I realized it was the first time I had ever seen Serenity drive away… 😧

And with that, our chapter of Serenity was over. πŸ’•

Geoff Murphy 6/26/2020

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