Where The Past Is The Past; At Last ⛅

Day 37- Waking up early to share a cup of coffee with my kind brother Jordan was a perfect way to start the day. I so enjoyed really getting to know my siblings in these last few days! It makes me excited for the wedding that is coming up in August to have us all together, for the first time, in a long time! 💞

Another great part of being at Jordan’s was all of his knowledge and tools- with these resources we were able to repair the scratches on the front guard, added another layer of Gaco and fixed the screen on the window.

Before leaving Colorado we heard that the infamous Red Rocks Amphitheater was open to the public- so we had to go check it out. And we were not disappointed! The acoustics were out of this world- I can only imagine what a concert here would sound like. 🔊

It was then time to drive up through Wyoming. I was really excited to show Geoff were I once lived- as I find the natural beauty here remarkable. And I didn’t feel that words adequately represented how big the clouds are, or how epic the prairie is. ☁️

We stayed the night at Douglas WY, in a super well set up RV campground that had public showers and shady trees. A perfect place to stop and cool down for the evening. And we finally got good pictures of Canadian Geese- something I had been trying to do since Canada! 🦢

The next morning, after a work out in the grass, we headed to Ayers Bridge. This is the one of three natural arches in the United States that has water underneath. We were excited to touch such natural beauty. On our way we found proof of the elusive Jackalope!

Ayers bridge was a sweet little spot for families to splash and play. The water was cool and refreshing- however not quite deep enough for us to swim in. We did find the path to the top- and I would have to say, being up that high, with my arms spread out, helped my heart continue to heal as we headed toward my old living area. 💝

Antelope and prairie dogs said hello to us on our way out of Ayers Bridge. When we got on the road to Gillette we saw buffalo, a pump jack, coal mines, wind mills, and clouds. 🐃 My favorite! As a quick side note- I have really been amazed at how land is used while we have been traveling through the country. We drove through the fields and stopped at a very nice visitors center in Wright, just a few miles outside of Gillette.

We had a couple stops to make in Gillette before I could finally say good-bye to it- Value Villa, Smiths and Sapporo’s. And a fun meet up as well, so glad we got a chance to touch base with my friend Hailey Jacobsen and her fiancé Casey. Thank you for making time to see us. 😊

We thought we’d stay the night in Gillette, but you know what is a great about traveling in your home?

We get to sleep wherever we park! So it was good-bye to Gillette and we were on to the next part of our travels; Devils Tower. Along the way, hearing thunder and trying to capture lighting on film was also an adventure. 🌩️ As we drove on through the sunset we kept an eye out for a place to sleep. As night crept in we found an epic place to land for the night.

And we knew we were close to touching the Tower; but that would be tomorrow’s story. 😉

Laura Murphy – July 13, 2022.

1 thought on “Where The Past Is The Past; At Last ⛅”

  1. Great pictures. There is a reason this is big sky country. The color of the sky the thunderstorms and the clouds are so awe inspiring. I’ve been all over the world but I choose the western states. We spent two days in Cody Wyoming two years ago. Not enough. I want more. Have fun on your journey.

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